Blog Post #8
Chapter 7 from the Bedford Book of Genres focuses on how to properly use your sources and how to properly cite them. This chapter is especially useful right now because of our research project we are currently working on. Even though most of us have already learned about how to cite your work and plagiarism various times throughout the course of school, this first part of this chapter was a perfect mix of review and new information. One thing I found extremely helpful was the part on page 377 on paraphrasing. I have known for a while now that you paraphrase when you don't feel like writing down the entirety of what the author said, but it was new information to me that paraphrasing is used also when your audience is very different versus the author`s audience. I feel like that tip can be very helpful when I start to draft my research paper because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not everyone is going to agree with mine!